Daily Archives: May 7, 2012

What Happened to My Weekend????


Image                      Do you ever ask this question?                     Image

 I do and on a weekly basis!  It seems as if my week moves as slow as a turtle, slowing down on Wednesday and coming to an almost complete stop by Thursday but Friday evening shoots out like a rocket and I don’t seem to slow down until Monday morning.  I checked my calendar this morning just to make sure that it was indeed Monday because it seems as if I have somehow missed 48 hours in the blur of my weekend.  When you have children, there is truly not enough hours in the day to complete everything that needs to be accomplished.  Between cooking, cleaning, yard work and laundry, I also need to chauffeur to sports practices, games, movies, friends, church and any other outings that have been scheduled.  I am exhausted just thinking about it!  My kids say that they are bored.  Say what??  I know that you can identify with my hectic life if you are an adult with children.  This is universal conduct for today’s modern family and based on everything I have seen or experienced, it is only going to become more hectic.

So, what can we do?  Part of me wants to be sent to “time out” for a breather.  Remember when you were little and the worst punishment ever was to sit on your bed for 5 minutes?  Now, I pray for 5 minutes to sit – anywhere!  With 5 minutes I can fold a load of laundry, pack school lunches, throw together a dinner or any other number of household duties so I would not dare waste 5 minutes on resting….or should I?

For all of the hustle and bustle that fill our lives, I believe that God designed our bodies to tire so that we will be forced to rest.  He rested on the 7th day (Genesis 2:2)!  He also gave us the example of the Sabbath (Exodus 20:9-10).  There are good reasons for this…..first and foremost, God desires time with us when we are not running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off.  He deserves our best time!  God also knows that we need time to re-energize our batteries and just enjoy our surroundings.  Adult time-out is not such a bad idea.  Take some time and post one or more of the ways that you make time to take time for yourself.

Mark 6:31, And He said to them,”Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.”


Very timely and insightful!

Joe Quatrone, Jr.

millionaireAs children of God, we are free to ask Him anything we please and once we ask, we can hope He will give us exactly what we’ve asked for. But to believe He will do something He has not promised to do is not faith; it is presumption! I fear that much of what is passed off as faith today is really presumption.

If I sent you an email inviting you to my home for dinner, I wouldn’t include such statements as, “I have perfect faith you are coming! I know you will be here! I am claiming your arrival! By faith, I am announcing to all my friends you will be here!” On the contrary, I would say things like, “I hope you can join me; I would like to have you; please check your schedule.” I would be foolish to believe you were coming until you told me…

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